Monet inspired Japanese Bridge Kits in Turquoise for Sale

How to create a Monet's Japanese bridge scene in your own backyard

執筆者: Sam Goeku



読む時間 3 min

Elevate your backyard into a personal oasis with SamsGazebos custom quality Japanese bridges

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No home is complete without garden where you enjoy season's blessings, nurture your spirits, and reconnect with your inner self. At SamsGazebos®, we believe in the power of beautiful, functional garden bridges that elevate your outdoor living space. Monet's Japanese bridge depicts the harmony between the human world and nature, that leads to serenity, eternity, and mindfulness. In this article, we'll explore the must-have Japanese footbridges that every garden needs to create a warm, inviting, and serene atmosphere while enhancing your outdoor living experience.

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Japanese garden bridge makes a wooden walkway in a garden
Japanese wood bridge over a koi pond makes wo0den walkway in a garden
wooden bridge sets a destination for a path overlooking serene waterfalls
Japanese garden bridge is a path over a pond with waterfalls
backyard bridge over  water falls
wooden bridge over a stream in a forest
Japanese garden bridge over  a stream in an autumn garden
wooden bridge spans over  a stream

1. Japanese Bridges for Serenity

Japanese Garden Bridge Kits

Gracefully arched Japanese bridge is a focal point and main motif in Monet's paintings.  Investing in a high-quality Japanese bridge is essential for creating a welcoming and stylish garden. It is easy to find a decent Japanese bridge kit online at a reasonable price with a little research.  A wood Japanese bridge that symbolizes a pathway to tranquility, meditation, or an element to connect with nature.  

When selecting your garden bridge kit, consider:

  • Size: Measure your pond, or walkway, or path carefully ensuring to account for the minimum span you require. 
  • Load Capacity: Is it intended for residential or commercial use?  Who will be using it? 
  • Durability: Is it strong enough to support human traffic?  Does it include floor joists that provide support for the floor below?
  • Style: Select a design that aligns with your family's needs and reflects your personal taste, lifestyle, and surroundings.

"I want to paint the air which surrounds the bridge, the house, the boat, the beauty of the air in which these objects are located, and that is nothing short of impossible."

Claude Monet

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wooden bridge over a stream
Wooden bridge over a stream in a forest

2. The Other Key Elements

The Must-Have Features for Monet's Japanese Bridge landscape

Here are the must-have features to complete Monet's Japanese bridge garden:

  • Pond 
  • Water lilies
  • Lush foliage 
  • Waterfalls 
  • Koi fish

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3. Color Pallets

Mix the flowers and plants from Monet's Japanese bridge garden that thrive in your climate:    https://giverny.org/gardens/fcm/fleurs/listflor.htm

Some of my favorites are:

  • Japanese Cherry trees
  • Wisteria
  • Japanese Maple trees
  • Iris
  • Water lilies

Monet's Japanese bridge garden in Giverny  also features bamboos and willows.  However bamboos are invasive and require a barrier to contain the roots, don't do well in the dry climate in Southern California.

An arched Japanese bridge with climbing roses over  a pergola
A red Japanese bridge spans a pond with water lilies

4. Functional Garden Structures

Japanese Torii gates

A rustic wooden torii gate gracefully frames the entrance to your backyard, inviting peaceful contemplation and connection with nature. Japanese torii gate kits from SamsGazebos® work well with the Japanese bridge theme, are available for fast delivery.

Water Wheels

A revolving water wheel gently turns in the pond is a captivating attraction, its rhythmic motion enhances the serene atmosphere, and a great addition to your Japanese bridge theme.

All water wheels from SamsGazebos® include stands, free-standing, and ready to set for your water flow.  

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At SamsGazebos®, we provide a diverse range of handcrafted garden structures that are made in the USA, designed for easy coordination with your outdoor space. Please feel free to contact us for any questions about Japanese bridge kits.   info@samsgazebos.com  All the images are provided by SamsGazebos®.

chizzling poles for torii gates

The author : Sam Goeku

Founder and designer of SamsGazebos®, is a fourth-generation boat builder from Okinawa, Japan. He has built four sailboats, including one with a cement hull and three with wood. Passionate about woodworking, he specializes in crafting high-quality garden structures incorporating unique hidden joinery techniques he developed from his boat-building. With decades of experience in crafting durable and elegant structures for homeowners, builders, and merchants, he shares his expertise on creating serene outdoor living.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do before I order a Japanese bridge?

Measure your pond or walkway for a garden bridge first.  Choose the size carefully, because it matters most. Pond bridges look graceful if you choose a longer bridge than the minimum span required.  Consider hiring a landscape professional; they help you to create your vision to life.

How do I install my Japanese bridge?

For a small bridge, we recommend you fasten it with L post connectors, lag bolts, and wedge anchors to your cement foundations.  The fasteners are available at your local home improvement stores.  Be sure to set your bridge LEVEL to each other side for your comfort and safety.  The large commercial grade footbridges are designed to set in concrete.

How do I maintain my Japanese bridge?

SamsGazebos garden bridges are all treated with oil based semi-transparent brown wood preservative. We highly recommend you finish your bridge with a solid deck stain for easy maintenance.  

Can I order a painted Japanese bridge?

Yes, we now offer finishes for the railings and end frames in red or turquoise. These are water-based exterior latex paints.

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SamsGazebo.com Handcrafted Japanese bridges

Elevate your backyard into a Monet's serene Japanese bridge garden

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